Friday, February 18, 2011

Gond ke Laddu


Dry Dates: 300gm
Dry shredded coconut: 300 gm
Wheat flour : 500 gm (preferably course and not fine)
Sliced Almonds: 150 gm
Ghee: 400 gm
Goond: 150 gm
Powdered Sugar: 400 gm
Cardamom powder: 1 T spoon


1. Seed Dry dates, pond them. Grind Dry dates and dry coconut corse in grinder. 
2. Roast wheat flour on a very low flame until it turns a little reddish. (Do not add ghee at this point). This procedure takes long time almost 45min -1 hr. 
    Add ground dates and coconut powder. Add Sliced almonds and roast a little more. 
3. Heat ghee in a small pan, Fry goond in it until its fluffed and crisp. Remove it and set aside.
4. Add remaining ghee to the flour mixture and roast it on v low flame for sometime. It will start smelling really good. 
5. Remove it from heat and let it cool down to room temperature. 
6. Add Powdered sugar and cardamom powder and fried goond to the above mixture. 
7. Make laddus. If laddu are not binding together add more ghee.

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