Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bombay Sandwich

Bombay Sandwich – Mouth-watering version of Indian Veggie Sandwich!
Soft White bread slices, with spicy green chutney spread, layered with slices of tomato, cucumber, onion and potato (extremely important) and topped with lots of grated cheese! 
I am not sure why it is called Bombay Sandwich but I am guessing, maybe because it started as cheap staple food of travelling Mubaikers, kids returning home from school or a quick grab for people travelling Bombay Locals (Mumbai subway systems). It must have got famous as its inexpensive, easy to make, and healthier option as compared to Wada Paav.   
You can get this in many places in Mumbai, Pune and lots of other cities in India. You can eat them in any neighborhood restaurant, stall owners sell them on every corner of the street, on railway stations and fancily packaged at airports :) 
You can add your own variations to Bombay Sandwich like adding few more veggies, toasting them, making different fillings and you will get these variations on streets on Mumbai!
My favorite places in Pune to have Bombay sandwich (sounds funny – Bombay sandwich in Pune… but yes its true) the one in Raviwar Peth, guy who sells it in Seven Loves Chauk they make the best basic Bombay Sandwiches! 

  • White Bread – 3 Slices
  • Butter
  • Mint-Coriander Chutney: 1/2 cup
  • Large potatoes: 2 Boiled, peeled and sliced thick
  • Cucumber: 1 sliced thin
  • Tomato: 2 sliced thin
  • Onion: 1 sliced very thin (optional)
  • Fresh ground pepper
  • Salt
  • Cheese – grated (optional)
  • Tomato Ketchup

  1. Lay all the slices of bread on a cutting board and butter well.
  2. Now spread a generous quantity of Mint-Coriander Chutney on each slice to cover entire slice.
  3. Layer all the above veggies in desired quatities and combinations. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Cover with the top slice.
  5. You can trim edges. I like to leave them on.
  6. This sandwich tastes equally good toasted or not.
  7. Cut in half and garnish generously with grated cheese.
  8. Serve with tomato ketchup

Bhel Puri

This is a famous Chaat from the streets of Mumbai and Pune. You can find carts / shops selling it around every corner. It’s a mouth watering mix of puffed rice with some Indian snack mix and flavored with fresh mint, sweet & tangy tamarind sauce.
This is a very healthy option for an evening snack or can be served as a starter with your dinner.

Tamarind-date chutney (sauce): ¼ Cup
Mint – Cilantro chutney (sauce): ¼ Cup
Farsaan / Panjabi Mix/ Bombay Mix: ½ Cup
Fine sev: for garnishing
Salted peanuts (optional): for garnishing
Puffed rice / Kurmura: ½ Cup
Onion - Finely Chopped: ½ Cup
Tomato – Chopped: ½ Cup
Cilantro / Coriander: finely chopped
Raw mango – chopped (optional): for garnishing
Sprouts (optional): ¼ Cup
Chaat Masala: 1 Tea Spoon

1. Mix puffed rice / kurmura with farsaan in a bowl.
2. Add ¼ cup of each Onion and Tomato to this. And Stir.
3. Mix Mint Cilantro chutney, Tamarind-date chutney. Add 2 pinches of Chaat Masala to it. If you like it spicy add green chili paste to this.
4. Add sprouts if you like.
5. Serve this into plates.
6. Garnish with Fine Sev, Onions, Tomato, Cilantro, Raw Mango, Salted peanuts.
7. Serve immediately before it gets soggy.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Ukadiche Modak

Ganesh Utsav is one of the festivals I have celebrated while growing up. It is the biggest festival celebrated in Maharashtra, the Ganesh Utsav/ Ganesh Festival.. Lord Ganesh/Ganpati being the favorite god of all Maharashtrians, this festival is celebrated on account of His birthday.

It is observed during the Hindu month of Bhadra (mid-August to mid-September) and the grandest and most elaborate of them, especially in the western India state of Maharashtra, starts on Vinayak Chaturti [4th day of the month of Bhadra]  lasts for 10 days, ending on the day of 'Ananta Chaturdashi'.

A life-like clay model of Lord Ganesha is made 2-3 months prior to the day of Ganesh Chaturthi. The size of this idol may vary from 3/4th of an inch to over 25 feet.

On the first day of the festival, it is placed on raised platforms in homes or in elaborately decorated outdoor tents for people to view and pay their homage. The priest, usually clad in red silk dhoti and shawl, then invokes life into the idol amidst the chanting of mantras. This ritual is called 'pranapratishhtha'. After this the 'shhodashopachara' (16 ways of paying tribute) follows. Coconut, jaggery, 21 'modakas' (rice flour preparation), 21 'durva' (trefoil) blades and red flowers are offered. The idol is anointed with red unguent or sandal paste (rakta chandan). Throughout the ceremony, Vedic hymns from the Rig Veda and Ganapati Atharva Shirsha Upanishad, and Ganesha stotra from the Narada Purana are chanted.

For 10 days, from Bhadrapad Shudh Chaturthi to the Ananta Chaturdashi, Ganesha is worshipped. On the 11th day, the image is taken through the streets in a procession accompanied with dancing, singing, to be immersed in a river or the sea symbolizing a ritual see-off of the Lord in his journey towards his abode in Kailash while taking away with him the misfortunes of all man. All join in this final procession shouting "Ganapathi Bappa Morya, Purchya Varshi Laukariya" (O father Ganesha, come again early next year). After the final offering of coconuts, flowers and camphor is made, people carry the idol to the river to immerse it. Some people do the Visarjan after 1 ½, 2, 5 or 7 days.

The whole community comes to worship Ganesha in beautifully done tents. These also serve as the venue for free medical checkup, blood donation camps, charity for the poor, dramatic performances, films, devotional songs, etc. during the days of the festival.

Chhole (Chana Masala)


Kabuli Channas/Garbanzo Beans: 1 ½ cups
Water: 6 cups
Oil: 1.5 Table spoons
Tomatoes (pureed): 3
Ginger Garlic paste: 1 Table spoon

Black cardamoms (or green Cardamoms) : 3-4
Bay leaf: 1 big
Cumin seeds (jeera): 1 Tea spoon
Mustard Seeds: 1 Tea spoon
Coriander Powder: 1 Table spoon
Turmeric Powder: 1 Tea spoon
Red Chile Powder: 1 Tea spoon
Garam masala powder: 1 ½ Tea spoon
Crushed Tea Powder: 2 Tea spoons
Sugar to taste
Salt to taste  

For Garnishing:
Onion: ½
Cilantro (Coriander leaves): 8-10 springs

1.      Wash and soak Garbanzo Beans (Chaana) overnight.
2.      Add soaked garbanzo beans and 5 cups of water into a pressure cooker.
3.      In pressure cooker add salt and 1 tspn crushed tea powder.
4.      Close pressure cooker and allow it to whistle 4 times, lower heat and cook for another 20 min.
5.      Once done, allow the pressure to go down and then open.
6.      Separate the water (broth) and the Channas, do not discard the water.
7.      In a deep pan, heat Oil on medium heat.
8.      Once hot, for Tadaka :  add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, black cardamoms (or green cardamoms), bay leaf.  
9.      Let mustard and cumin seeds splatter.
10.  Add ginger-garlic paste.
11.  Add tomato puree.
12.  Sprinkle some salt so that the tomatoes gets cooked fast.
Add all the powdered spices to this mixture (turmeric powder, red chili powder, coriander powder, garam masala powder ).
13.  Add the broth from cooked garbanzo beans. Let it cook together to form a smooth gravy.  
14.  Add cooked garbanzo beans and mix again.
15.  Simmer for 5-7 minutes. Stir occasionally.
16.  Garnish with chopped onions and chopped cilantro with a slice of lemon on the side.
17.  Serve hot with Puris, Bhaturas, Bread, Chapati, Parathas or Naan.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sabudana khichadi

 This is a snack I always had on the days when they fast. It can be breakfast or even serves as a full meal. Sabudana khichadi can be paired with salty lassi, plain yogurt or special rajagira aamti or danyachi aamti.

Sabudana (Tapioca pearls – Indian style): 2 cups
Water c soak: 2 cups
Ground peanuts: 1 ½ cups
Salt to taste
Sugar to taste
Cilantro (coriander): 3-4 springs, finely chopped

For Tadaka:
Butter or Ghee (Clarified butter): 1 Table spoon
Green chili: 1 chopped
Curry leaves: few
Cumin Seeds: ½ Tea spoon
Whole peanuts: 1 Table spoon
Potato (chopped into 1cm cubes): 1

  1. Wash and soak Sabudana overnight. This is the most important step. After you wash the Sabudana, just add enough water to cover Sabudana completely. Next morning Sabudana should completely soak the water and each tapioca ball should be separate from other.
  2. Mix soaked Sabudana with peanut powder, salt and sugar.
  3. Tadaka: In a pan heat the Ghee, add Cumin seeds, chopped Green Chili, Curry leaves, whole Peanuts, Potato.
  4. Stir until potatoes are cooked.
  5. Add the Sabudana mixture.
  6. Stir for 5-7 minutes on high heat.
  7. Turn off the heat
  8. Garnish with chopped Cilantro and grated coconut(optional).

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ragada Patties

Its Indian road side food, another chaat, most loved and famous in Maharastra and Gujrath, full of nutrition and protein. It surely can be the main course for savory dinner parties or snack for a cold winter evening.

Ragada patties is nothing but potato patties covered with white peas curry, topped with your choice of sauces (chutneys) like sweet tamarind-date chutney, green chutney for chaat and garnished with crunchy sev, cilantro, onions and tomatoes.

It consists of two main things:
Ragada (spicy white peas curry)



White Vatana (Whole Dried White Peas): 2 cups
Water: 6 cups
Salt to taste
Oil: 2 tbsp
Mustard Seeds: 1/2 tsp
Cumin Seeds: 1/2 tsp
Crushed Peanuts: 2 tbsp
Sesame Seeds: 1 tbsp
Asafoetida: 1/8 tsp
Turmeric Powder: 1/4 tsp
Curry Leaves: few
Ginger: 2 tsp, minced
Garlic: 3 large cloves, minced
Green Chillies: to taste, minced
Onions: 1 cup, finely chopped
Tomato: 1 large, chopped
Rasam Powder: 1 tsp (This is the secret ;) )
Coriander Powder: 1 tsp
Cumin Powder: 1/2 tsp
Lemon Juice: to taste
Cilantro: to garnish

Keep all the ingredients ready before you start as this procedure though it looks long, it’s really fast.

  1. Wash and soak the Vatana (whole white peas) overnight in water.
  2. Drain water from soaked Vatana , rinse and add Vatana plus fresh water (6 cups) and salt to taste in a pressure cooker.
    Allow pressure cooker to whistle once, reduce the stove to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes.TIP: do not overcook Vatana otherwise it will taste like mashed curry. Allow the pressure to go down by itself.
  3. Heat Oil in a pan.
  4. Add Mustard Seeds and allow them to pop.
  5. Add in Cumin Seeds, allow them to turn a little golden.
  6. Add in Peanuts and Sesame Seeds and allow the Sesame Seeds to pop.
  7. Add Asafoetida and Curry Leaves. Mix.
  8. Add Ginger, Garlic, Green Chilies and Onions. Mix. Allow Onions to become translucent.
  9. Add Tomatoes and cook for 2 minutes.
  10. Add Coriander Powder, Cumin Powder, Rasam Powder, Turmeric Powder and a little salt. Mix well.
  11. Pour in cooked Vatana and bring to a boil. Additional water may be added to get desired consistency. If you are making it in advance add extra water as Vatana’s soak most of the water. The consistency should be like tomato ketchup or tomato puree.
  12. Garnish with Cilantro (Coriander Leaves) and Lime Juice.



Potatoes: approx 4 lbs (2 kg), boiled, peeled and mashed.
TIP: Take russet potatoes or any potatoes with a lot of starch
Ginger/Green Chili Paste:1 Tbsp
Roasted Cumin Powder: 2 Tsp
Sugar: 2 Tsp
Salt: to taste
Lemon Juice: 3 Tbsp or to taste
Cilantro (Coriander Leaves): 20 sprigs, finely chopped
Corn Starch: 4 Tbsp
Oil: for pan frying

Makes approx 30 patties

  1. Boil, peel and mash Potatoes.
  2. Add Ginger/Green Chili Paste, Roasted Cumin Powder, Sugar, Salt, Lemon Juice, Cilantro and mix well with hands
  3. Add Corn Starch and mix well. Make it like potato dough.
  4. Take a small portion (as big as you want the patty to be) and form a round and flat patty. Form all patties. You can use a spoon for measuring the mixture, so that all patties are of the same size.
  5. Shallow fry patties with a little oil until nice and brown on both sides.

To assemble Ragda Patties:
  1. Place 1 to 2 patties in a flat bowl or dish.
  2. Pour 2-3 table spoons of zesty Ragda over patties, until patties are nicely covered.
  3. Garnish with Coriander Chutney or Mint Chutney, Tamarind Chutney, Sev, chopped Onions and Cilantro.
  4. Serve immediately. Serves 8 as a full meal.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pani Puri (Golgappa)

Pani-Puri or Golgappa however you call it, it is one one the most favorite snack and appetizer for most of us. Here I am giving away my Maa's secret to make mouth watering Pani-Puri.

Pani Puri consists of 3 main things:
  1. Pani
  2. Puri 
  3. Stuffing for Puris
I believe if you can make good Pani, it tastes yummy with any stuffing. I generally buy my Puris from any Indian Store or you can make them at home. So lets begin!

Pani (Spicy water for filling puffed wheat tortillas)

This will make Pani enough for about 30 Puris.

For grinding:
Chopped Cillantro leaves: 3 cups
Chopped mint leaves: 1 1/2 cup
Green Chilies: 4-6 (can add more if you need more spice)
Ginger: one small piece about 1 inch long
Lemon juice: 2 T-spoon 
Salt to taste
Sugar to taste

 For flavor:
Chaat masala to taste
Roasted cumin powder: 2 T-spoon
Red chili powder: 1 T-spoon
Tamarind-Date Cutney: 4 Table spoons
Water: 5 cups

Add all ingredients for grinding to the grinder and grind them into fine paste. Add water if you need while grinding.
In a large bowl mix the paste with water, cumin powder, red chili powder, tamarind-date chutney  and chaat masala. Stir well and store it in refrigerator until its cold. You can also add ice cubes for chilled pani-puri.This can be stored in refrigerator for 2-3 days. Store it in an airtight container to preserve all the wonderful flavors and freshness of mint.

You can experiment a lot with stuffing and can change it the way you want. Here are some options.
  1. Potato stuffing
  2. Sprouts like black chana, green moong etc.
  3. Ragada made for Ragada pattice
  4. Prepared Chana Masala

Various toppings can be used separate or together as per your taste.
  1. Barik Sev
  2. Boondi
  3. Chopped onions 

Putting it all together:
Once you have everything ready, making Pani-Puri (Golgappa) is really easy.

  1. Make a small hole in Puri
  2. Fill it half with stuffing of your choice
  3. For a little crunch add topping that you like.
  4. Fill this Stuffed Puri with Pani (Spicy Water) to the brim. 
and I promise you once you start eating these it's very difficult to stop :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Gond ke Laddu


Dry Dates: 300gm
Dry shredded coconut: 300 gm
Wheat flour : 500 gm (preferably course and not fine)
Sliced Almonds: 150 gm
Ghee: 400 gm
Goond: 150 gm
Powdered Sugar: 400 gm
Cardamom powder: 1 T spoon


1. Seed Dry dates, pond them. Grind Dry dates and dry coconut corse in grinder. 
2. Roast wheat flour on a very low flame until it turns a little reddish. (Do not add ghee at this point). This procedure takes long time almost 45min -1 hr. 
    Add ground dates and coconut powder. Add Sliced almonds and roast a little more. 
3. Heat ghee in a small pan, Fry goond in it until its fluffed and crisp. Remove it and set aside.
4. Add remaining ghee to the flour mixture and roast it on v low flame for sometime. It will start smelling really good. 
5. Remove it from heat and let it cool down to room temperature. 
6. Add Powdered sugar and cardamom powder and fried goond to the above mixture. 
7. Make laddus. If laddu are not binding together add more ghee.